N-13 News
- PHP 5+
- 1 MySQL database
- Extract and upload all files to your server
- CHMOD db.php to 777
- Run install/index.php from your web browser
- Follow the instructions
- Once the installation is finished CHMOD db.php to 755
- Done!
Integrating news posts into your current design is now easier than ever. Use the following code samples to control how your news is displayed.
include 'news/index.php';
If you want to further control how your news is displayed you can specify some variables before using the include function that will determine which posts to show.
$author[] = 'Chris';
$author[] = 'Admin';
#if specified then only articles belonging to the above authors will be shown.
#if no authors are specified then all will be shown.
$template = 'Template1';
#if specified this template will be used, if not the default will be used
$cat[] = 'category1';
$cat[] = 'category2';
#if specified any posts assigned to those categories will be displayed.
#if no cats are specified then all posts will be displayed.
include 'path/to/news/index.php';
#example 'news/index.php';
For help and more tutorials on integrating the system into your site, please visit http://network-13.com