N-13 News 4.0.3
N-13 News

  1. PHP 5+
  2. 1 MySQL database
  1. Extract and upload all files to your server
  2. CHMOD db.php to 777
  3. Run install/index.php from your web browser
  4. Follow the instructions
  5. Once the installation is finished CHMOD db.php to 755
  6. Done!
Integrating news
    Integrating news posts into your current design is now easier than ever. Use the following code samples to control how your news is displayed.


    If you want to further control how your news is displayed you can specify some variables before using the include function that will determine which posts to show.

    $author[] = 'Chris';
    $author[] = 'Admin';
    #if specified then only articles belonging to the above authors will be shown.
    #if no authors are specified then all will be shown.
    $template = 'Template1';
    #if specified this template will be used, if not the default will be used
    $cat[] = 'category1';
    $cat[] = 'category2';
    #if specified any posts assigned to those categories will be displayed.
    #if no cats are specified then all posts will be displayed.
    include 'path/to/news/index.php';
    #example 'news/index.php';

For help and more tutorials on integrating the system into your site, please visit http://network-13.com