Hello; I hope someone can help me.
I wanted to insert smilies in my article made without using the WYSIWYG editor, but I failed; I tried with copy-pasting the smilie keycode in the article, but it didn't work.
Does someone know how to insert smilies in my articles when the WYSIWYG editor is disabled?
Thank you in advance.
If you edit the bbparser.php
file, around line 120~ you'll see this block of code
$match = array('#\<img(.*?)\/\>#se');
$replace = array("'' . resizeimg2('$1') . ''");
$str = preg_replace($match, $replace, $str);
return $str;
If you replace it with this code
$match = array('#\<img(.*?)\/\>#se');
$replace = array("'' . resizeimg2('$1') . ''");
$str = preg_replace($match, $replace, $str);
foreach(unserialize(SMILIES) AS $smiley){
$str = str_replace($smiley['keycode'], "<img src=\"" . $smiley['path'] . "\" alt=\"" . $smiley['keycode'] . "\" />", $str);
return $str;
The smilies should now show even with the wysiwyg editor disabled.
They works, now; thank you.
Now, I also have a problem with categories, so I'm gonna search for some help in the forum.
Thank you again, Chris.
Fixed the categories problem.
[Every article was assigned to a single different category, but all articles showed up in all the categories. I solved it by using this integration.
$nppage = '1';
$cat[] = 'updates';
include 'news/index.php';
It worked immediately.]