Try adding $static = true
before your news headlines on the left side, that will make sure that the system only shows the headlines in that section even when viewing a full article. So the code would look something like this
$static = 'true';
$template = 'Headlines';
include 'news/index.php';
Thanks that fixed my comments issue. Now how do I get the headline link to go to the actual article and not the fullstory page? Here is the link to the site in case you want to see for yourself: FNF Sportsfishing
$static = 'true';
$npage = '3';
$template = 'Headlines';
include 'news/index.php';
?><br />
Also as you can see I have $npage = '3'; and I'm seeing four headlines not three.
Because you're using friendly URLs, you need to edit your Headlines template so that the headline links it generates are friendly as well, instead of this
<a href="fullstory.php?id={id}">{title}</a>
Do something like this
<a href="/news/{id}-0-{friendlytitle}#comments">{title}</a>
As for the incorrect number of headlines showing, use $nppage
not $npage
Awesome Chris, it worked perfectly. Once more question...I can't figure out how to have a breadcrumb link on the article page that links back to the full story page or to the previous/next article. I have looked inside the default and Headlines templates and both have the
[prev-link]Previous [/prev-link] {pages} [next-link]Next[/next-link]
inside the news pagination and comments pagination. For now I added a text link named "News Frontpage" using html and css inside my fullstory.php page just above the include call and below the title, but was hoping to use php somehow to show a breadcrumb trail. Is there a way to do this inside the include call?
I'm not sure what you mean exactly with regards to breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs to me are what you see at the top of this forum above the thread
Forums - Help & Support - Showing headlines
Is what what you're trying to achieve or something else?
On this page - you're showing all your news articles, the system will automatically show next/previous links as well as number links if there are more news articles that the value of $nppage
If this isn't happening then the template you're using may need to edited slightly so that {pagintation}
is added to the News Structure
Yeah that is what I mean by breadcrumbs. If you go to one of the articles from the fullstory page you'll see what I mean. I had to add a link at the top of the article to go back to the fullstory page to see the other articles. I was wondering if there were a way to show the breadcrumbs for each of the articles in print on each of the pages they are shown (4.0 Ajax default template?) Am I making any sense? Also {pagination}is already in the news structure in both of my ( 4.0 Ajax and Headlines) templates. I assume this is done by default as I haven't added it. There is only 4 articles on the fullstory page so far, maybe that is why the breadcrumbs aren't showing on it, but is there a way the actual page the individual article is shown on, has links to the other three articles or at least the fullstory page?
So something like this is what you're after
Front page - The Barn Door Dilemma ?
The only way to get the article title to show like this would be to use an additional include that only shows the title of the currently viewed article. For example something like this
<p>Front Page -
$template = 'Title';
$static = true;
include 'news/index.php';
You'll need to create a new template which shows only the title of the articles.
That is closer. Is this possible?
Frontpage-->Barn Door Dilemma-->previous post-->next post
Now if this isn't possible and I use your suggestion I am assuming that I replace the second include
<h1>FNF Sportsfishing Blog and News</h1>
<a href="" class="newsfrontpage">News Frontpage</a><br /><br />
include 'news/index.php';
?><br /><br />
<a href="" class="newsfrontpage">News Frontpage</a><br /><br />
in fullstory.php with the new include you suggested in the previous post correct?
<p>Front Page -
$template = 'Title';
$static = true;
include 'news/index.php';
You've hit the limit of the functionality the system provides in terms of the pagination functionality. This behavior could be implemented if it were custom coded but for now it's not something the system can do unfortunately.
Ah that explains it. I couldn't get your previous suggestion to work either. Oh well I will keep the simple html fix as it at least gives a link back to the news home page. Thanks for your help.