Is there anyway to have a different template for displaying the full story from the short story? I'm using it for my online portfolio at if you could help me out anyone?
Is there anyway that this can be done? I really love using this script and this function would make it even better!
Or is there a way that I can create another index.php like index2.php that I could direct the [readmore][/readmore] link to, but just for a specific template?
Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
Hey Matt,
So basically you want to display a different template when viewing the full story/comments page?
If so download this file.
Extract it and rename it to index.php, then replace your own copy of index.php with this new one.
Then when including your news do this
<?php $template = 'templatename'; #your normal template here $fulltemplate = 'templatename'; #the name of the template you want to show on the readmore page include 'news/index.php'; ?>
$cat[] = 'Portfolio';
$template = 'PortfolioPage'; #your normal template here
$fulltemplate = 'PortfolioFull'; #the name of the template you want to show on the readmore page
include 'admin/index.php';
And I replaced my index.php with the one you provided and created a new template called "PortfolioFull".