I tried to make a localization of this script For my Language "Georgian" (Tried to create categories and post news in my native Language),
But I have problem, foreign characters do not show correctly. It shows me octets
Like this.. Then I Tried to alter the MySql collation to only UTF8_Unicode_ci, Not Worked. Then I tried to replace the function: "htmlspecialchars" with "htmlspecialcharsltgt". I Can't solve the problem. Read More About This Function
Chris! How To Overcome this problem, what do you thing
In Categories I created new category in "Georgian" Language, I also created a news in my language too.
In News List it is shown correctly, but when I click edit button it shows incorrectly "octets"
If you comment out this line by putting a # infront or just delete it, it should solve your problem.
What this means is the Allow/Disallow HTML function won't work, meaning if you create an Access Level and don't allow it to use HTML they still will be able.