Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
Comments pagintation only shows if there are enough comments to warrant it. If the news article only has 1 or 2 comments and "comments per page" / $cppage has been set to a higher number then the comments pagintation won't show.
Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
fullstory.php is used to view an individual full news article, when viewing the full news article you're viewing the full article/comments page so the "news pagintation" won't show, the comments pagintation however will.
When doing a normal include like
<?php $template = 'adsa'; include 'news/index.php'; ?>
The news pagintation will show because you're viewing all the news articles not one specific one.