OK, I figured out how to make images "clickable" in the news. For those that are looking for it, when you create your include, set the $image_clickable variable like so:
<?php $image_clickable = '1'; include 'news/index.php'; ?>
I thought that this would work in conjunction with the image resize function, where a smaller image would be displayed in the News story and, when clicked, the larger image would open.
What I get is a link in a box that says |_IMAGE_| that opens the image when clicked.
Is this the way it is intended to work?
Just want to know so I can stop trying to configure it to do something it won't.
P.S. If that is the way it works, consider this a feature request to make the actual reduced image clickable to open the larger image, rather than just having the word "IMAGE".
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Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
What should happen is when $image_maxheight/width is used in conjunction with $image_clickable = 1, images that are automatically resized will also be made into hyperlinks that once clicked view the full size image.
So you should be seeing the small image that links to the larger image.
You said it's instead showing as "|_IMAGE_|"? Can you link me to this so I can see what the problem is?
As a side note. Automatic resizing of images looks like it's going to be removed in 3.7. Reason being that the WYSIWYG editor (ckeditor) allows you to resize any images you add yourself and gives you lots more formatting options.
Here is my test page where I've been trying out various options.
Link removed cuz I'm an Idiot!
I'm wondering if it has to do with the fact that these stories and images were uploaded BEFORE I added the "clickable" option...
This all may be moot if it goes away in the next release. I must say I'm looking forward to 3.7. Your screen shot is very intriguing. (But may make all the stuff I've been figuring out unnecessary. )
I've made that change by editing my copy of bbparser to change the one occurrence of $adminpath to ADMINPATH. ( I did this because I have other edits in my bbparser file for the text wrap around images.)
The resize works, but when I enable "clickable", I get just the text link instead of the resized image.
DO'H! OK, I'm the idiot!
Just checking this over as I type and realize there are TWO instances of $adminpath that need to be changed to ADMINPATH. Works as expected now.