I am also willing to put news about any video from YouTube, but I'm not having success, because the video is not displayed, displays only a white board.
I downloaded http://code.google.com/p/n-13news/downloads/detail?name=n13news3.7_fullwysiwyg.zip&can=2&q =
Replaces the files and insert the news just put a title and URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64FEkrZdC04 flash just to test ...
If you want to see the result on my site http://www.extremecnp.com.br/index2.php
I'm getting a little confused with the updates and time frame. I have the latest version 4.0 running. I see a flash button but a dialog box appears asking for a url. Youtube offers a embed code but no url.
I copied the url from the embed and code and pasted it, getting a white empty box. Do I still need to update the ckeditor as described?
I cannot get html to work either and I don't see an option to allow or not on the settings (Found on another post).
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Joined: 2006-05-19
The best way would be to paste the embed code into the source view of the article, if you downloaded the n13news4.0.1_fullwysiwyg.zip version of the script then the source button isn't actually on the toolbar (it should be. I made a post here explaining how to add it