For some reason everytime I try to edit a news article on the admin end or view the comments on the front end, i get this error message:
Error: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_32ba_0.MYD' (Errcode: 17)
Statement: SELECT news30_comments.user AS user,,message,timestamp,approved,ip,pid,id,news30_users.avatar AS useravatar,news30_users.uid AS useruid, AS accessname FROM news30_comments LEFT JOIN news30_users ON news30_comments.user = news30_users.user LEFT JOIN news30_access ON news30_users.uid = news30_access.uid WHERE pid = ? AND approved = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 5
Arguments: 38,1
well technically i am my own host?? i bought a reseller package. so i guess i hve to contact the person who sold it to me? or is it something i can do since i have access to mysql?