Into the admin panel,
when I try to create a news or edit a news, when I push the button of "insert an image" nothing happens. Same with the button of "attach a file". Too when I try to delete a Private message or Edit articles -- delete, the button "ok" doesn't work and it is impossible delete a notice or message!
In the Options--System configuration,occurs the same, no buttons works!
Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
Both the Image & File buttons require javascript to work, so this may have something to do with what's causing the problem. Which browser are you using to test the script? can you try an alternative browser to see if the same problem persists.
Hi Chris,
I have tried with IE 8 and Firefox 3.6 and occurs the same problem.
But, I have tried with the "online demo" of Network-13 and works corretly all the buttons!
When I installed the N-13 news I had to change the php.ini and I added the last line:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
register_globals = Off
session.save_path = "/var/tmp/"
because I had an issue with the panel (some of "SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1601070 is not allowed to access /var/tmp/ owned by ...") and I read in another post that I had to add this line. ¿Is possible that this have somethig to do?