Was $image_maxheight/$image_maxwidth/$image_clickable really completely dropped in the recent version? Will it come back? Is there a work-around?
I want to use N13 news on a couple of sites, but the news should be edited by average computer users who will just upload large images from their digital cameras. So there needs to be an option to scale the images by default and to do this in a consistent way.
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Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
It has been dropped because of ckeditor being integrated. However when you insert an image into a news article you can resize/scale it down using the editor, you can then use the following variable to automatically make thumbnails out of scaled down images
<?php $imgresize = true; include 'news/index.php'; ?>
Thanks for your reply.
But the editor resizing has its flaws. In Safari it doesn't do anything at all.
And if my users drop a 4000x3000 pixel image in there, the editor can hardly be used anymore, even if there is the option for $imgresize.
For now I included most parts of this script, so the uploaded images are scaled down to a consistent size and don't fill up the editor window: http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.move-uploaded-file.php#96216
Maybe that's an option for a future release. :-)