Formats how the datae is displayed when viewing the full article/read more page. See here
$news_layout = '0';
// How the articles are shown when not viewing a single post
// 0 = default, shows article, if post has a summary shows it instead
// 1 = Show summary only
// 2 = Show article only
// 3 = Show summary and article
$comments_layout = '0';
// How the articles are shown when viewing a single post
// 0 = Show both article and summary
// 1 = Show summary only
// 2 = Show article only
include 'news/index.php';
$news_layout = '1';
$template = 'Hoofdpagina';
$cat[] = 'Hoofdpagina';
include 'nieuws/index.php';
<a href="newpage.php?id={id}">Read more</a>