Hi, I just installed N-13 News, and I am having a bit of an issue with the comments. They show up fine, but after posting a comment, the news, comments and comment form are displayed AGAIN, above the original post, comments and comment form. I've altered the template a bit, and this could be this issue, but because I am not sure how the comment script is working I can't figure out what the problem is.
Here is my site: http://vividkitty.brinkster.net/buds/layout.php
You will notice that if you post a comment, it generates a new comment form and news article
here is my template: http://vividkitty.brinkster.net/buds/Latest_1330039149.txt
I will also note that I removed your "allbody" tags because they were messing up my div element layout. This could be the problem? I'm not sure.
chinkychica wrote at 2012-02-24 17:25:15
I will also note that I removed your "allbody" tags because they were messing up my div element layout. This could be the problem? I'm not sure.
That most certainly is the issue. Instead of removing it, style it with some css to stop it doing whatever it was doing to break your layout.
Well, I added the "allbody" tags back in but it's still not working. Any other ideas? :(
I think what's causing the problem is an extra </div>
in your template that's messing up the layout and making the comments form duplicate.
Have a look through whichever template you're using and check look for extra </div>
Found it! Haha thank you for your help :)