Hello and thank you for this great project :-)
I installed "N-13 News 4.0.2" and everything works ! (http://www.murieldubuis.com/index_fr.htm < "Agenda & Concerts")
Now I'm trying the "RSS feed": http://www.murieldubuis.com/news/rss.php?feed=Agenda_MD With only {title} everything works.
But when I want to show {article} I get the following error: Reference to undefined entity 'nbsp'. Line: 14 Car.: 55 "<span fckbookmark="1" style="display: none"> </span><a href="http://www.chorus.ch/" target="_blank" title="Chorus - Lausanne">Chorus</a>" [Lausanne]<br />
Where is the problem ? Should I activate "FriendlyURLs" ?
Thank you for your answers,
Guy-Laurent (French speaking part of Switzerland)
I can't seem to replicate this problem. Can you show me the RSS Code
you're using for your feed? could you also add the {article} tag to the feed so that I can see the problem myself.
Thank you for the answer. Here are the codes. I tested various versions.
Note that at first I wanted to display only the "article" and "url" (no date). But link show no News on the page! I'm on a html page! "AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm" in ".htaccess" file.
"Title" only (OK) - Agenda_MD :
"Title" + "Article" (Error link /Same with only "Article") - AgendaMDTest-Article :
"Title" + "Others" (OK - Bad links - News empty) - AgendaMDTest-Link :
<pubDate>{date} {timezone}</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">{id}_{timestamp}</guid>
Thanks, Guy-Laurent
I'm a bit confused as to what you're using this RSS feed for. From what I understand it seems as if you're using the RSS feed then including it into an HTML page?
RSS feeds are simply XML data, their purpose is to allow users to read your sites content using RSS readers.
The code above is incorrect, there is no <article>
tags in RSS feeds.
Use this code instead
<pubDate>{date} {timezone}</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">{id}_{timestamp}</guid>
Thank you for this information.
As RSS is optional in N-13 I wanted to try. This is my first installation of RSS feeds.
I was misled as to the "article", by your instructions, without looking further. Admin > Options > RSS Feeds: Rss Code: Edit how your feed is displayed:
{title} - Displays the title of the article. ... {article} - Shows the article.
This is a mistake and now I found the specs:
http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification (RSS specification) + http://www.rssboard.org/rss-validator (RSS validator) + http://feedvalidator.org/docs/rss2.html (Elements)
By cons that I rename my page .php or .htm no difference to the display of links. The page linked is empty. http://www.murieldubuis.com/news/rss.php?feed=AgendaMDTest-Link
So what is the link to use for "News location"?
Is related to?:
<?php include 'news/index.php'; ?>
Thank you in advance for your response. Regards, Guy-Laurent