Great job! Thanks a lot!
I wanted to know if with this version has also been solved the bug of avatars in comments (
To fix this you'll need to make a few changes to the following files. Edit news/index.php, around line 663~ you'll see this block of code
$allcomments = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT
" . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".user AS user, " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".email,message,timestamp,approved,ip,pid,id," . NEWS_USERS . ".avatar AS useravatarid ," . NEWS_USERS . ".uid AS useruid," . NEWS_ACCESS . ".name AS accessname
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".user = " . NEWS_USERS . ".user
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
WHERE pid = ? AND approved = ? ORDER BY timestamp " . COMMENTSORDER . " LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow", $pid, "1");
Replace it with the following
$allcomments = DataAccess::fetch("SELECT
" . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".user AS user, " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".email,message,timestamp,approved,ip,pid,id," . NEWS_USERS . ".avatar AS useravatar," . NEWS_IMAGES . ".file AS avatar," . NEWS_USERS . ".uid AS useruid," . NEWS_ACCESS . ".name AS accessname
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_USERS . " ON " . NEWS_COMMENTS . ".user = " . NEWS_USERS . ".user
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_ACCESS . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".uid = " . NEWS_ACCESS . ".uid
LEFT JOIN " . NEWS_IMAGES . " ON " . NEWS_USERS . ".avatar = " . NEWS_IMAGES . ".uid
WHERE pid = ? AND approved = ? ORDER BY timestamp " . COMMENTSORDER . " LIMIT $start, $amounttoshow", $pid, "1");
Then edit news/functions.php, around line 839~ you'll see this block of code
$avatar = $row['useravatar'];
$avatar = "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" />";
$avatar = '';
replace with
$avatar = $row['avatar'];
$avatar = UPLOADPATH . "/" . $avatar;
$avatar = "<img src=\"" . $avatar . "\" />";
$avatar = '';
And hopefully, avatars will now work.
It works perfectly! Thanks a lot!
Wow! Thanks for the update Chris.
Which files got modified and / or updated? I am a little scared to run the update, because of some changes I made to the original files. Maybe I can do them by hand?
You can find a list of changes here -
Hi Chris, I am getting this when I try to add or edit an article.
I cant install this version or any other version. I download the .rar i extract it to my webserver using FileZila. When every thing is uploaded i go to Then i need to choose a language, i choose English. When i chose my language i fill in my database information and then i press "Test Connection". Then i get a blank screen. db.php has CMHOD 777, so..
I have this with all the versions. I also tryed a different browser (Chrome and FireFox)
because that doesnt work, i tryed to import the database myself that worked but now when i go to i get this error :
Error: Unknown column 'archivedate' in 'where clause' Statement: UPDATE news30_story SET archived = ? WHERE archivedate <= ? AND neverarchive = ? Arguments: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1375966745 [2] => 0 )
I hope someone or Chris himself can help me fixing this.
Greetings Robin Koper