Hey Chris, quick question for you.
So when I first installed my news, I was still waiting for my domain to go live so I just used the actual IP address of my website in Options > System > Other.
However recently I realized that IP changed as nothing was loading. So I went into the options and changed it to my actual domain, and yet n-13 is still looking for that IP when the WYSIWYG loads.
I figured an update to 4.0.3 might help so I updated and now I'm getting PHP errors wherever I'm using the news system. Here's one it says on the homepage:
Warning: requireonce(/home2/gallion/publichtml/news/language/English.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/gallion/public_html/news/index.php on line 47
I hate updating for this reason, and the whole reason I'm even using the news is still update my site to send out some resumes, so any help is much appreciated.
Thanks Man.
Also, as another side note. n-13 appears to be all good in the admin side, its just my actual content that isn't loading.
Apologies for the triple post, but I figured the issue out.
Apparently one of the files is looking for "English.php" instead of "english.php".
In changing this, it caused another error so I had to duplicate the file and have both.
(I assume this is a noted issue?)