hi i do appreciate N-13 News script. I use it already several years. Yesterday I decided to update my N-13 from version 3.5 to the newest 4.3. So - I copied all files except of db.php and run news/update/index.php. I was asked about which version of N-13 I was using. I chose 3.5. As a result I received information that i should immediately delete this file - but there was no admin area. I deleted update/index.php and I refreshed page - no result. So - I again copied update/index.php on server and run the update. Reesult: You already have the latest version installed.
I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO ADMIN AREA AND MY ARTICLES ARE NOT DISPLAYED. When I try to open www.ofmconv.kz/news/admin.php - I receive empty blue page.
PHP Version 5.2.17 => http://www.ofmconv.kz/news/phpinfo.php
Can you help me?
OK. I decided not to repair my news system but to create it from the beginning. So - my problem is not actual any more.