Okay, I have the great system installed on my site... and I have a few questions for people who can answer them and that would be great to get some help!
I have been using the system for about a month now, getting to terms with how it all works and I love it, it\'s great, simple and feature rich. But I\'d like to display different numbers of news rather than just a set number in the config file.
For example, I have all of the news displayed on the news page (index.php?id=news) but I want the latest three/five headlines displayed on the homepage (index.php?id=home) and I think it would be great if there is a PHP command that you can add that sets how many to display!
As you can tell from above, I use dynamic links on my site.. and I think it would be great if I could get them to work with the headlines too, so that the links could go to index.php?id=news&nid=12 etc, to read the full story. As yet, I have not found a way to do this but I think it would be something I\'d like to see if I could be done!!
Short Story and Full Story
I love the Short Story feature, I think it's great to use for a whole page of news and then click in for the full story. After seeing the whole $nppage hack on the index.php page, I'm guessing that is could be possible to do something like...
if $id is present, only show the full story (story)
if !$id then show only short story.
The reason I ask for this is when you use the templates, it kind of goes tit's up for everything else! I mainly use the short story for a limit of 128 characters, then "..." so that doesn't go in with the full story. I had a look at the index.php page and couldn't see anything, but I guess it would be around line 322~
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Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
The way the system works at the moment is when you have a post that has both a 'Short Story' and 'Story', while display your news it'll show the 'Short Story', then once that has been clicked on it'll then show both the 'Short Story' and the 'Story'
From what I can understand, you want it to display the 'Short Story', once that then gets clicked on it'll then display the 'story'? instead of both the 'Short Story' and 'Story'?
Yes, that is exactly right. When news.php is displayed, I want the 'short story' to be displayed, and then when there is news.php?id={id} then only the full story 'story' will be displayed.
The reason is I have news like this......
As you may of read a couple of days ago, changes are coming to the Pukka site. Changes that we know will make it easier to get aro...
As you may of read a couple of days ago, changes are coming to the Pukka site. Changes that we know will make it easier to get around the site and find the information you would want in one place. The biggest change that you'll see over the coming weeks are the profile pages. Each DJ will get more of a say on what their page looks like, what they have on it and all the rest of it.
Again, we don't want to say too much because it will spoil the surprise for you all but let's just say it's something that will take alot of time. A quick page has been built and everyone is loving what we can do with it, and each and every DJ can edit it to suit their needs.
Over the next few weeks, we'll probably rave on about it all some more... but please just wait until they are released to you before you get in touch telling us to shut up about it all. At some point we may even release a sneaky peak so you can see a little insight into what we're doing, who knows!
As you can see, the Short Story stood next to the Full Story would be silly to read =]