Hi Dear Chris!!! Hi everybody. Before to start i want let you know i have no words to tell you how much apreciate about this script :). well my question is about the pagination style i was tryin to figure out how i can change the style, I made some change in Options > Templates > News Pagination and this is the code
As you can see the pagination show the pages very good but the problem is when i click on the next pages [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] nothing happen
thank for you attention god bless you!!!
Estou com o mesmo problema, por favor me ajudem. O arquivo esta como include em uma pagina index.php. espero respostas se possivel me mande por email, obrigado desde já.
Google Translator...
I'm having the same problem, please help me. The file is to include a page in index.php. hope answers if possible send me by email, thanks in advance.