Thank you for your help, you've made a great script. But I found a small bug.
After you sign up it shows you this message "Your account has been created, you can now login here."
"login here" sends yu to the worng page this page The error appears to be in the file named langmsg.php in the 7th line from the bottom.
Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
i feel really dumb asking this,
but i can't seem how to get this to work. :(
could you explain please?
I've taken a look at your site, it seems you've enabled friendly URLs but it's causing a server error, could mean your server doesn't support it.
Try disabling friendly URLs then adding ?goto=register to the url of your main page, it should then hopefully show the registration form users can fill out to register.
Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
thank you Chris, so very much. It works now. :)
Glad it's working. Don't forget to create a new access level (assuming you don't already have the Commenter access level) and select that as the level new users get assigned to.
Access: Admin
Total Posts: 1395
Joined: 2006-05-19
If you edit the template you're current using, expand the Comments section, it looks like you're using something like this which makes their username a clickable email link
this'll change the userame to a link to view that users profile, not all users are registered and the ones who aren't will still have a clickable name it simply will goto a profile that doesn't exist.